
Mapping Locations

Maps are a quick way to help your website stand above the rest. The WCG:CMS includes a great "Location" feature that allows you to quickly add the relevant locations for your business or website content. The location screen allows you enter an address, or intersection, and quickly locate the spot on a Google Map. You can even fine-tune the exact location by dragging the green marker on the map.

Now, with your location built saved, you can quickly use it in a page, or associate it with an upcoming event. The map will display directly in the page or event, making it easy for website visitors to find the event.

Maps are a call to action. Users will appreciate knowing exactly where the event or news story occurs, without having to look-up and manually enter addresses themselves in Google Maps.

Capturing a Location

To map a location, just select the Location menu item. Enter an address in the input fields and click the "Search" button. A list of possible locations will appear, click on the location, and the green marker will appear on the map. Drag it to the exact location on the map, and click "Save". You can store thousands of locations with your site.

Using Location in your Website

With your location saved, you can use it in several ways in the WCG:CMS.

First, you can cut and paste the map code that appears on the map page. This will create a map anywhere directly in the page content. For example by adding the following bbcode, the map will appear in the page, like this one.